Friday, February 1, 2013

First day of February

Here are some photos I have taken recently...while outside on a walk/hike. This Spring I am going to be getting into film photography (again).  So I am editing some of my photos with that film idea in mind.   I'll start editing my digital ones like my film might turn out.  

I know it's been months since my last post. 

I really wanted to write more in those months, but I was always so busy that I needed to take time for me and not feel pressure to work when I had down time.

I am working on a new website and on new work.  I'll admit I'm not too sure about what to do about blogspot.  I'm working on some serious photography work, and will have a website dedicated to that.  I'm not sure what to use this for.....  I feel like a change is coming.


For me creating is a way to understand myself better.  It's a way I can make sense of my experiences, my losses, my gains, love, others, and myself.

This new work of mine that I have created in the past few weeks is not of brilliant sky scapes and land showing the beauty outwardly.  It's more about an inner beauty and awareness that comes to us through conflict, and those times where we are pushed and tried.
  It's  "weathered" and found "underneath the surface".  It's beauty that one sees once one experiences it.  Sometimes beauty comes to us in ways we did not want or expect.

I used subtle color, and not more than maybe 5 colors in each painting in order to convey the feeling within them.  

All Watercolors: